The original very low quality German VHS factory tour of MOS and Commodore has been around for years, but this version uses advanced techniques to improve the video quality, along with English commentary.
It is incredible now to look back at all the human intervention, and rigorous testing, for the manufacture of this computer. Considering all the effort that went into it, it is surprising that it was actually affordable to home users.
The Sinclair ZX81 may have been revolutionary in its day for bringing an affordable and real computer into the home, but the C64 that followed just after it, was revolutionary for the advances in sound and graphics, and was probably one of the reasons why it became the world's best-selling computer. It was the first computer I owned that could play actual games that are recognisable today. Prior to this, there were only beeps and black and white characters that were drawn on the terminal screen. Back then, IBM was only starting out with PC's, and Microsoft was not yet out of diapers with their own MS-DOS.

How It Was Made: THE COMMODORE 64 factory tour
by Retro Recipes 🕹️ vintage tech + tv on YouTube#
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