There are bots available already for many purposes from fetching RSS feeds and posting, they can accept payments, work as virtual storefronts, provide weather forecasts, voting bots, game bots, building social services, provide help desk services, group admin bots, convert voice notes into text notes bots, and lots more. The Telegram site has a lot of info for devs about bots.
Channels are free to set up and have configured with bots. You either do it yourself for free or pay someone to do it for you. Telegram is really flexible in this regard.
The example below is to create a bot to send notifications to the Telegram channel whenever there are changes to a Docker container, but the principle applies for similar applications.
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Get Docker Notifications with Telegram Bot#
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In this video we'll look at how to get Telegram notifications from our server any time there's a status change to one of our containers.The process is pretty...