YOURLS is an open source self-hosted alternative to Bitly or TinyURL
A link shortening service translates any web URL link into a custom, and typically shorter and more manageable link.
A link shortening service is useful for a number of reasons:
* A shorter link to share, especially if the target is a long complex one
* The short link can have a more intuitive name to remember
* Basic stats are provided on how often it is accessed and from which countries
* A self-hosted one could bypass Bitly being blocked
* No need to update social media posts if the backend is moved
* Brand consistency by using your own custom domain
My video goes over how YOURLS can be used, and includes a few tips that I picked up for installing php-zip for the download plugin, as well as how to deal with any plugins which break the service.
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technology #
opensource #
selfhosting #