It's a very long story all in all, so I made a full length blog post on my website at the link below. Essentially the choice of watch really depends on which phone brand you use, so if you switch phones then you probably have to switch watches too (if you want to still use all the features). Why I switched from an iPhone 12 Pro to a budget Galaxy A13 phone is the topic of a future post after March 2023.
The purpose of the post was to compare the features of both watches, and to see whether I'd have buyer's remorse or not.
These are really my observations from using both watches, so is in no way intended to be a scientific analysis.
Why I migrated from an Apple Watch to a Samsung Galaxy Watch 5#
technology #
GalaxyWatch #
AppleWatch #
health #
Both smartwatches are actually very good, in fact, pretty much on par with each other as I discovered, but another thing that both watches have in common is, that you really need their matching brand phone to fully use them effectively. This is even more true for the Apple option. So the easy answer to...