Just goes to show actually that Second Life really has evolved over the years (decades?) and a lot more is possible with it today. We are seeing quite a bit of art and photography appearing, which shows this off.
The sadder part is though that they have never again seemed to have reached their popularity of the earlier years, even though they are still going. Some popular (to me anyway) locations have gone.
But they are not alone either, as there are other open sim virtual worlds also in existence which are actually more open. The Firestorm viewer is a good one that works on many of these.
Look at How Much Second Life Avatars Have Evolved Through Subtle But Once-Impossible Poses & Gestures#
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Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting Dia’s pictures catch my eye with the excellent poses and her care in shooting them. Take this untitled picture. Both sneakers are on the floor, no slight...