RSS is one place for you to quickly sift through numerous sources of news quickly and efficiently. It's up to you to decide what feeds to add - as many or as few as you want.
Depending on which RSS app/service you use, you can get all your news without adverts, see a quick excerpt or full text articles, not be distracted by other information, keep track of where you have read up to, change the order that the articles appear in your feed, and much more.
All RSS readers improve the quality and focus of your news as you control what sources are shown, and nothing is applying algorithms to insert or remove articles.
There are RSS feeds for most news sites and websites, as well as even for many social network services. A site that does not offer any RSS feeds is usually one that wants to force you to visit it, to apply tracking of your habits, to show adverts, apply their algorithms, or control how you see their information. If in doubt, there are also RSS browser extensions that will detect available RSS feeds on any site. WordPress sites, by default, have RSS feeds activated for any blog posts made on that site.
I have been using RSS feeds for decades to get my daily news and updates. In this time I have seamlessly switched between using different RSS apps as it is easily to move between them by exporting and importing the OPML file of your feeds between readers.

by The Linux Experiment on YouTube#
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