Gim, 67, the son of a farmer, is now one of the wealthiest people in South Korea. The 51% stake in the company he owns with his family is valued at $1.4 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
“Gim was quick to identify the growth potential globally,” said Han Byung-hwa, an analyst at Seoul-based Eugene Investment & Securities Co. “The industry has seen faster growth than other traditional businesses.”
More and more investment is being redirected towards renewable energy, so much so that even oil companies are investing. This was not an overnight success but hard work and lots of innovation along the way. Wind turbines are generating more and more power per turbine, and the cost per kW keeps falling. It bodes well for the future as predictions show renewable energy producing more power by 2050 than others forms of generation combined. Already last year for the EU we say renewable energy producing more real power than either Nuclear or coal.
Farmer’s son becomes billionaire after early bet on wind power#
environment #
wind #
Gim Seong-gon is now one of the wealthiest people in South Korea.