Maybe you love podcasts. Maybe you have listened to every single episode of every single show spotlighted on the Apple Podcasts (or other podcast site) homepage. And maybe you have thus found yourself in a listening rut. There are so many interview shows, scripted non-fiction shows, comedy chat shows, and fiction dramas, sometimes it seems like podcasts are pulling from a similar playbook. Is that all there is to a podcast?
Not these podcasts. Here are 11 shows that break every rule in the book, whether by inviting listener participation, completely ad-libbing musicals, playing with sound in unusual ways, or interviewing inanimate objects like chainsaws and grains of sand. If you think you’ve heard it all, try one of these experimental, innovative, hilarious, heartfelt shows that will stand out in your podcast queue and give you a new zest for the medium. Warning: You have no idea what you’re getting into.
Just a reminder that most podcasts are available free across many different podcast servers/services. So if you also have a favourite podcast app, maybe try some of these podcasts.
11 Innovative Podcasts to Listen to If You're Bored With Podcasts#
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entertainment #
Podcasts that are more than two or more people gabbing into microphones. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)