The eyebrow-raising design pulls no punches in the uncanny department: the eye behaves as you’d expect (if you could have expected this) — it blinks, looks around, and can even waggle its brow. The eyeball, brow, and eyelids are actuated by a total of six servos that are controlled by an Arduino Nano.
Inside the eyeball is a Raspberry Pi camera connected to a Raspi Zero for the web cam portion of this intriguing horror show.
Creepy or fascinating, it succeeds in making people think about the vast amount of sensors around us now, and what the future of them could look like. Would mimicking eye contact be an improvement over the standard black and gray oblong eye?
Yes it may not be so easy for everyone to just 3D print and build this from scratch, but it is fully open sourced including the hardware, so it's quite possible, or maybe someone will start selling them. Bonus is you don't need to shutter it when not in use, it should just close it's eye and 'sleep'.
Eyecam Is Watching You In Between Blinks#
technology #
opensource #
videoconferencing #
We will be the first to admit that it’s often hard to be productive while working from home, especially if no one’s ever really looking over your shoulder. Well, here is one creepy way …