Whilst trying to get Wordle to run offline on iOS, I noticed neither Safari, Firefox nor Brave would render the offline JavaScript files (apparently all the browsers on iOS have to use the underlying Safari engine, and we know how Apple restricts nice things).
This is how I came upon the Documents app which can not only do this rendering easily, it also connects to various cloud storage services, can annotate PDFs, opens any file type, has a VPN, and a bunch more stuff all from a single app. Some features like rendering to PDF, though, are pay to use.
In retrospect, I found out that Safari's offline Reading List function would handle Wordle, but it is nice to know that Documents can actually do so many things inside a single app. And if Wordle has finally gone, then the offline Reading List mode won't be able to save it for offline use (it has to have been saved before the site goes offline), but Documents will still be able to do the job if you have obtained the files later on.
Documents by Readdle#
technology #
ios #
documents #
offline #
Documents is a home for all your files. Watch movies, listen to music, open ZIP files, download MP3 on iPhone and iPad.