His algorithm, which analyses video of a person and uses machine vision to pick up cues that might be associated with the stress of untruthfulness, is far from perfect. But as the first video below shows, it is a lot of fun to see it at work. The idea is to capture data like pulse rate, gaze direction, blink rate, mouth posture, and even hand position and use them as a proxy for lying. The second video, from Fletcher’s recent DEFCON talk, has much more detail.
TruthSayer uses OpenCV and MediaPipe's Face Mesh to perform real-time detect of facial landmarks from video input. It also uses FER for mood detection. From there, relative differences are calculated to determine significant changes in specific facial movements from a person's baseline. It is an open source application built for Python 3. The article below has a link to the Github project everythingishacked/Truthsayer.
Truthsayer Uses Facial Recognition To See If You’re Telling The Truth#
technology #
Python #
opensource #
Truthsayer #
It’s hard to watch [Mark Zuckerberg]’s 2018 Congressional testimony and not come to the conclusion that he is, at a minimum, quite a bit different than the average person. Of course, ha…