This is a purchasable hardware clone of the original HP-41CX, but with an enhanced and larger display. You can easily share or back up your programs or your entire DM41X environment and use hundreds of existing, professionally developed software applications with this rugged calculator sporting a stainless steel case and a Gorilla Glass screen.
Even by today's standards, an HP-41 remains a very versatile and powerful programmable calculator. In its day (about 40 years ago) it literally acted as a backup for various tasks on the NASA Space Shuttles. I still love my original HP-41CV, which still powers up and works after all this time. I've been recently trying to get one of my original programs entered and running again, which I wrote in the late 1980's on it. I bought a new HP 50g with this in mind... but found the HP-41CV still way easier to use!
On the software emulation front, HrastProgrammer makes an excellent 'HP-41C/CV/CX MicroCode Emulator for Windows' (and which runs just fine on Linux with WINE), but it is now a paid version unless you still find one of the free versions floating around e.g. try searching for 'HP 41CX Emulator written by Warren Furlow (Release 7B)'.
SwissMicros Model DM41X RPN Calculator#
technology #
retro #
HP41CX #
calculators #
The DM41X, another member of our flagship line-up of RPN calculators, is a faithful recreation of the software environment of the HP-41CX, one of the most versatile calculators ever created, in a modern hardware architecture.