Good password manager comparison table
This spreadsheet was compiled by Reddit user r/Passwords summarising the key features per password manager.
Just don't read too much into the numeric scores, as you need to first decide for yourself which are your "must have" features. For example, Proton Pass scores higher than Bitwarden, but me not being able to attach files a showstopper (I store a copy of my ID, my driver's license, etc). The feature "Subscription includes VPN" is also not a must-have for me as part of a password manager, as I have a separate VPN service (it is nice to have if it can replace my VPN service).
It's also worth noting that both Bitwarden and Proton Pass have fully free tiers with some restrictions. It would have been great to have also included those for comparison in their own columns, as these only seem to be the paid services.
Password Manager Comparison Table
technology #
security #