It started (in recent times) with the USA accusing TikTok and Huawei of being capable of spying (nothing was ever proven), and now with China responding in the same way about Tesla vehicles (laden with cameras, sensors and network connectivity).
All valid concerns, and we do already know for a fact that allies are spying on allies, so they are not groundless concerns, but where does that leave electronic devices that are getting smarter and smarter? It's a concerning future because even if the manufacturer is not overtly assisting with spying, they could be infiltrated and have their information exposed (remember SolarWinds?). In fact, who knows if data from Tesla's in use at US military institutions, have not had their data exposed already in this way to any other foreign power?
Interesting times we live in, and to think our own military was banning all smartphones from their meetings years ago... now it will be smart watches, smart cars, and let's just hope we don't get smart clothing!
Elon Musk explains why Tesla would never share data with China or the U.S.#
technology #
security #
spying #
It's not weird that you're suddenly thinking about TikTok.