These are fully functional Sparkfun weather stations that require no soldering to assemble. They are based around the very cheap BBC micro:bit processor. The weather station can read temperature, humidity, pressure as well as light level, soil moisture and temperature, wind direction and speed, and also has a rain gauge.
Building a weather station is a practical project that helps unlock an interest in science, and the micro:bit processor also forms the heart of many more such DIY projects.
In South Africa I see the kits and parts are all available at Communica for purchase.
micro:climate Kit Experiment Guide - SparkFun Learn#
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weatherstation #
microbit #
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≡ Pages Contributors: D___Run___, bboyho Favorited Favorite 11 Share Use this URL to share: Share on Tumblr Submit to reddi Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Pin It We have seen a huge amount of excitement from hobbyists, students and scientists around building a DIY weather station to track what is going on around us on Planet Earth on a daily...