The SoluBag material is made from non-toxic components, consisting of a synthesis of calcium carbide and natural gas. The components are so harmless that the bag itself can be dissolved, drank, or even eaten by humans or animals without causing any health issues. The production of SoluBag is part of the uniqueness of the invention: it can be manufactured on machinery that would otherwise be used to produce plastic films, thus making it simple for producers to switch to creating and distributing a more sustainable material. Users don’t have to worry about it dissolving in the rain on a walk home from the grocery store–the material performs exactly like a traditional plastic bag, and will only dissolve if immersed in water above a certain temperature, or else left in cool water for several days. Solubility is calibrated and set by water temperature, i.e. hotter the water, the faster it dissolves.
This material solves two issues, namely alleviating the need for petroleum products to manufacture it, and obviously also the pollution aspect which gets eliminated.
SoluBag – Sustainable Islands Platform#
environment #
plasticbags #
pollution #
solubag #
Action against plastic bags is increasing worldwide, often taking the form of bans on certain plastic products. Founded in Chile, SoluBag introduces a new way of reducing plastic waste by creating plastic bags from water soluble materials that dissolve in five seconds* rather than thousands of years. SoluBag is working to make the earth a...