If you have a Mac, iPhone, or iPad (support planned for other platforms in future) that it and you’re looking for something new from your web browser, you should check out Orion. The new browser lets you run both Google Chrome extensions and Firefox add-ons (even on iOS), while claiming not to sacrifice your privacy. Orion is based on WebKit, the browser engine used by Safari on Mac and all the browsers on your iPhone.
Since Orion only recently entered public beta, it still has a few rough edges, but overall it appears to be a promising alternative you can try right now.
It also has the ability to move the list of open tabs to the left sidebar as a vertical view, making it easier to find the tab you’re looking for. This feature works on iPhone and Mac. If you’re reading an article and open a link in a new tab, the tab sidebar adds a nested tab. It’s a nice way to group tabs if you’re a tab hoarder.
This actually looks quite promising, and they say they're 'working on being open source' so the question really will be whether it will ever be fully open sourced, or will it follow a Vivaldi model.
This Browser Can Use Chrome and Firefox Extensions at the Same Time#
technology #
browsers #
orion #
Orion is based on WebKit and claims to be privacy-focused.