I had not tried Omnisearch, but apart from that and Advanced Tables, the suggested ones are not really "my best ones". But the linked article does again highlight one of Obsidian's most powerful features - it's community plugins. Many note takers are good Markdown editors, but few come close to rivalling Obsidian's plugin power, largely created by the community themselves.
Even though free Obsidian is not open-source, it gained a lot of traction and users have created so many valuable plugins. I also like that it leaves all my Markdown formatted files in place where they are. One excellent open-source notes editor I tried, insisted on inserting an odd character at the start of every new line as it was intended an outliner, not a notes editor. Thing is, I like to keep my notes as standard as possible so that I can switch to another note taker in future.
The ones I find really useful are:
* Advanced Tables
* cMenu
* Code block from selection
* Copy Image and URL context menu
* Dynamic Table of Contents
* Excel to Markdown Table
* Highglightr
* Kanban
* Kindle Highlights
* Local Images
* Markdown Formatting Assistant
* Obsidian Enhancing Export
* Omnisearch
* Ozan's Image Editor Plugin
* Related Notes Finder
* Tag & Word Cloud
* Tag Wrangler
* Text Format
* txt as md (edits existing .txt files)
* Underline
* Vault Statistics
But we all have different requirements (like some wanting to play Zoom inside Obsidian, use AI, publish to Nostr, etc), so it is well worth browsing the community plugins and seeing what is of interest to you. There are around 1,180 plugins right now.
The Best Obsidian PluginsIf you've not seen Obsidian, I did quite a long video about it at
Obsidian is a note-taking software that took the world by a storm after the pandemic. Part of its surging popularity lies in it being extremely customizable, mainly due to the ability to add plugins that suit your workload and
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