To be fair, Andrey Malyshenko] does list other plausible use cases for what amounts to an automatic mouse wiggler. Like many of us, Andrey isn’t a fan of logging back in from screen locks, and recognizes that not absolutely every minute of work requires staring at one’s screen. There’s also the need for bio-breaks, of course, and the Mouse Whisperer is designed to accommodate these use cases and more.
It does not have to just draw circles, as the code uses a *.h file to define the circle, so other patterns should be possible.
But using this in a corporate environment to bypass having to retype in your screen unlock password, is probably not a good idea, and is a serious security risk if you are actually away from your computer.
Mouse Whisperer Keeps You Working, Even When You Need A Break#
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When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? What about when life hands you annoyingly intrusive work-from-home policies that require you to physically stay at your computer even though yo…