One of the best things about Android is that it's an open platform where anyone can publish an app on the Play Store or even on their own site; anyone and everyone can sideload an APK. Independent app developers can freely experiment with ideas that might not appear on competing platforms like iOS, which is why Android Police has rounded up a handful of quality apps that suit this category, something of a sister article to our best Android apps roundup.
Today's roundup covers an assortment of unheard-of apps. It includes stuff that isn't very popular but is infinitely valuable, a mix of niche releases, as well as bigger titles that might not get the attention they deserve (here's looking at you, Adobe). So if you're on the hunt for some interesting and unique apps to install on your Android device, you've come to the right place. Enjoy!
14 of the best indie Android apps you've never heard of#
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What's your favorite off-the-wall app?