Grocy can help manage not only shopping lists based on inventory, recipes and meal plans, but also chores, tasks, equipment manuals with notes, and batteries that need to be charged or replaced across devices. A key part of its inventory management is keeping an eye on expiring products which could be just thawed out of a freezer, or could be medicine stored in a first aid kit, etc. It can also monitor how much wastage you produce from spoilt products. You can use all of its integrated features, or just a single feature if you want to keep it simple.
It will easily run on a Windows PC, or in a docker container, or easily installed under cPanel on any Linux VPS hosting.
This video gives an overview of what Grocy does, as well as a tour of the interface and features, and the settings menu.

Grocy - a Web-Based Self-Hosted Groceries and Household Management Solution for your Home
by Danie van der Merwe on YouTube#
technology #
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groceries #
grocy #