On Mobilizon, you can create a detailed page for your event, publish and share it.
You can also search for events by keyword, place or date, participate in events (even without an account) and add them to your agenda. When invited to join a group, members can participate in discussions and manage a common resource folder (i.e. links to a collaborative writing tool, a wiki, etc.)
Mobilizon has been designed as a practical tool that respects your attention, your autonomy and your freedom. Mobilizon is not a social media, nor a hobby: it is a tool. You won’t find features like subscriptions counters, thumbs ups or info walls with infinite scrolling.
Mobilizon is a federated software: hosts can install it on a server to create instances that act as Mobilizon websites. Mobilizon instances can be federated together, so a profile registered on instance A may contribute to a group created on instance B.
Let’s take back control of our events ! #JoinMobilizon - Let’s take back control of our events
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events #
mobilizon #
A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilizing.