For the most part all Kobo ebook readers run the same software and have all the same features, with a few exceptions. For instance, the Kobo Forma and Kobo Elipsa are the only two models with official Dropbox support to transfer files wirelessly, and the older models don’t have OverDrive built-in but they still support library ebooks.
One of the advantages with Kobo ereaders is they are open to installing other ebook programs and custom patches and mods, and you can use Calibre to manage your ebook library and collections. Check the Kobo section at MobileRead for the latest developments. These will not be covered in this list; this list is for official Kobo features only.
List of supported formats for Kobo ereaders: KEPUB, EPUB, EPUB3, FlePub, PDF, MOBI, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, TXT, HTML, RTF, CBZ, CBR.
Imagine if Kobo was 'allowed' to read Kindle format ebooks from Amazon... it could be the end of Kindle, with some real competition. Calibre software though does wonders for finding ebooks and also 'converting' Kindle format to ePub.
Kobo eReaders Software Features List | The eBook Reader Blog#
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Below is a list of all the main software features that Kobo ereaders support, including the notebook and writing features that are exclusive to the Kobo Elipsa. I’ve decided to use a new format for reviews. Since software features rarely change from one model to the next, I’m going to start focusing mostly on hardware […]