Penpot is the web-based open-source design tool that bridges the gap between designers and developers
Penpot expresses designs natively as CSS, SVG and HTML. Developers feel right at home in the interface. The whole team enjoys one seamless workflow. No more handoffs.
Create rich interactions to mimic the product behaviour. Share them to stakeholders, present proposals to your team and start user testing with your designs, all in one place. Penpot provides features that allow designers, developers and stakeholders to collaborate, sharing the same space in real-time.
With free and open source software, too (and using open standards), no-one gets left out in the cold by having to buy the same package someone else is using.
Penpot is the only design & prototype platform that is deployment agnostic. You can use it or deploy it anywhere.
It reminds me many years ago of the narrow-mindedness of government, where they could splash taxpayer money on buying expensive MS Word, and sending out all their letters and plans in doc format. No matter that all the private citizens receiving these did not actually have MS Word (were they expected to all go out and buy it?). Yes, later on there was better compatibility with LibreOffice and docx, but it still amazes me that there is so little effort made to use proper open standards or free software that everyone has easy access to.
Penpot: The Design Tool for Design & Code Collaboration
Penpot is the open-source free design software that connects designers and developers with no handoff drama. Prototyping, UI design and code - all in one app.
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