Chrome/Chromium derivatives are popular browsers for a reason: They're fast, powerful, and compatible with popular apps, services, and extensions. All that power, though, comes from somewhere, and ends up putting a strain on your RAM. Chrome/Chromium is a memory hog. Fortunately, there’s now an easy solution to the problem.
Each tab you open is a new activity for Chrome to manage, and the browser makes a point of running each tab as its own process.
Yes, this does seem rather similar to 3rd party extensions like The Great Suspender, and others, but I suppose this is now built in. I certainly found it already present in Brave Stable version. With my 50+ tabs I keep open, this is a no-brainer for me to use.
Enable This Setting to Stop Chrome From Hogging So Much Memory#
technology #
browsers #
Your computer's RAM doesn't need to suffer under the weight of Chrome tabs anymore.