To celebrate this success, Brave Software announced that Brave Search is finally exiting its beta phase and will become the default search engine for all users of the Brave browser.
Additionally, a new search results curation feature called "Goggles" will be released in beta and made available to those who wish to test it. With Goggles, users can get highly curated search results that would be otherwise impossible in the context of a search engine that doesn't log queries for user profiling and tracking.
Brave says that independence has remained at the epicenter of the company's focus, with Brave Search users receiving 92% of their queries directly from Brave's independent search index rather than through Bing and Google indexes.
Privacy-focused Brave Search grew by 5,000% in a year#
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Brave Search, the browser developer's privacy-centric Internet search engine, is celebrating its first anniversary after surpassing 2.5 billion queries and seeing almost 5,000% growth in a year.