This is a Github collection of lists that link to numerous "awesome" sites on various technology related topics. The topics often cascade down into sub-topics too, so there are real rabbit holes to fall down into. It reminds me a bit of the early Internet search engines which were topic based lists really.
Being on Github means that anyone can also contribute to these lists and expand them even further. They have a link at the top of each category called Contribution guide, which helps explain how to do this.
It's not a replacement for Wikipedia content at all, but more a suggestion of awesome sites to look at for a specific topic, and it is supposed to also state why that site is awesome.
GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics#
technology #
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics - GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics