Blue Scuti has cleared that fabled 'final' level and crashed Tetris, beating it after over three decades. Because the game has no story, levels, or any form of progress beyond high scores and increasing speed, you 'beat' the game by crashing it, AKA reaching the "True Killscreen".
Bizarre things started to happen at the highest levels, showing this game was probably never intended to go so high. It's incredible though to see such a classic and simple game having such a cult following, and level of competitiveness for so many years.
The video in the linked article gives a good overview of the history of Tetris high scoring and why it broke through new levels (the speed-up caps at level 29). It shows, too, that you need to shift your paradigm a bit to get different results.
It does seem though that it's not a hard crash and that some variables contribute to when it happens, so it may be possible to push things even a bit further.
Tetris Has Finally Been Beaten After 34 Years
After over three decades, Tetris has finally been beaten.
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