“The new device will enable electric vehicle (EV) owners to charge EVs by connecting chargers directly through the meter socket, a convenient and efficient location available on every home,” Siemens explained. “By bypassing a home’s electric service panel, the adapter will save an estimated 60 to 80 percent of the charger installation cost by avoiding the need for electric panel upgrades.”
“By allowing for a simple, 15-minute EV charger install, the technology eliminates the need for complex and prohibitively expensive installations,” they emphasized.
Using Level 1 charging, there is no extra cost beyond the cost of electricity, and charging overnight or at other times the car is parked is ample for normal daily driving needs. This solution though provides Level 2 charging which is obviously a lot faster, but does require 240 V. For now it is exclusively through Siemens, which means it won't be as cheap as it could be. That said, be very careful of cheap knock-offs. Siemens is at least a reliable brand.
Yes, probably not really an issue for most of the rest of the world, already using 204 V systems.
Installing Home EV Chargers Just Got Much Easier (And Cheaper)#
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A simple, inexpensive meter retrofit from Siemens and the startup ConnectDER could blow the home EV charging field wide open.