As of 2019, over 11,000 non-profits use CiviCRM. CiviCRM currently manages over 303,000,000 contacts, 265,000,000 donations, and 42,000,000 event registrations. CiviCRM allows organisations to record and manage all this information about the various people and organizations they interact with. CiviCRM is more than just an address book, it is a flexible platform that allows users to manage a range of interactions including donations, events, memberships, activities, cases, campaigns, mailings and more, all located in a single system that integrates tightly with popular open source content management systems (CMS).
CiviCRM focuses on the needs of non-profits, NGO's and civic sector organizations, empowering communications, community engagement, activism, outreach, donor management, and much more.
CiviCRM is Free/Open Source software, which means there are no license costs or user fees associated with downloading, installing, or using the software. Being Free/Open Source also ensures that you have the freedom to view and modify the source code and to distribute copies of the original source to any person or organization.
CiviCRM is web-based, which means it can be accessed by many users at the same time from different locations. It has been developed with the international community in mind, and translations and multi-language options are supported. CiviCRM integrates with Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. Integration with a CMS opens up a lot of useful possibilities. Visitors to your website can carry out many activities on their own, such as renewing their membership, signing up for events, requesting email updates, and donating money and you can share parts of your CRM data, for example event information, with visitors to your website.
Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations. | CiviCRM#
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Get the powerful open source CRMused by more than 11,000 non-profits. Explore CiviCRM Centralize constituent communications Build and manage your donor base & membership Full integration with WordPress, Drupal, Joomla & Backdrop. 24 Million Participants Our users have registered more than 24,441,697 event participants 116 Million Donations Our...