The Government of Rwanda has prioritized the transition to e-mobility to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and improve the wellbeing of its citizens, thus contributing to achieving national and global goals. Transport contributes 13% of Rwanda’s national GHG emissions.
While the cost for the purchase of e-buses is the main deterrent for bus operators, the savings from reduced operations and maintenance are substantial and are bolstered by the current incentives in place. Furthermore, while buses only comprise 0.74% of the total number of vehicles, they nevertheless disproportionately contribute 39.1% of GHG emissions in the transport sector in Rwanda.
Rwanda’s Transition to Electric Buses#
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By Yizere Ange Vehicular emissions are currently the leading cause of increasing air pollution in cities in Rwanda. In recognition of the well-documented impact of air pollution on public health, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) has introduced incentives for introducing electric vehicles across all vehicle types. While electric motorcycles, cars, bicycles, and even trucks have […]