Yes I've been getting to the point that I just ignore notifications for a large part of the day because it's the doorbell warning me someone is walking past, community group on Telegram selling pies, SMS ads, e-mails, news headlines, Twitter, and a dozen other social networks. But some apps get quite invasive too with daily offers. My cellular provider's daily specials and competitions I've also finally managed to silence.
I've now bundled most of those apps into two scheduled notification periods (10am and 7pm), where they are grouped per app for quick check and dismiss if required. But I've also disabled notifications completely for many others, and just left the badge count on for the icons, to show there are alerts.
The point of this being that if an actual notification now comes through at other times, I should actually just check it, as it is something that is time sensitive. My watch notification restrictions are even more aggressive, with zero for any social network.
So you should decide what apps need zero notifications (you just look at count on icon or when you open it), which can be scheduled for specific times in the day, and which are actual immediate or time sensitive ones. Some apps too like Telegram messenger allow you to set silent notifications so they won't disturb you, but you'll see them when you look at your phone (did you know Telegram also allows you, as the sender, to send any message as a silent notification, or a scheduled notification?).
A bit of time spent on setting notification restrictions could actually save a lot of time later on.
We live in notification hell#
technology #
notifications #
Nobody’s coming to our rescue.