A new study found that a ketogenic diet can significantly improve the symptoms of serious mental illness, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
These significant improvements came among hospitalized patients with long-term mental illness who previously had not responded to conventional therapies.
Published in the July 2022 issue of Frontiers of Psychiatry, the study notes that globally, an estimated 85 million people suffer from serious, persistent bipolar mood and psychotic illnesses and at least 280 million are thought to have persistent depression. But even with modern professional care, “improvement eludes many and remission is rare.”
The thing is though that generally LCHF (or ketogenic) lifestyles are based on whole foods, and exclude processed high carb type food that is full of flavourants, preservatives, or added sugar. Either ways, it probably goes to show "you are what you eat".
Problem is, though, without a quick fix Big Pharma pill to buy, would people really be prepared to change their dietary intake for life?
More evidence keto helps mental health conditions – Diet Doctor#
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A new study finds the keto diet significantly improves symptoms among people with serious, previously unresponsive mental health conditions