What if you had a smartwatch that could measure your blood pressure and generate an electrocardiogram (ECG) too? A ticker for your ticker, so to speak. Well, there is one: Huawei’s new Watch D.
Someone with dangerously high blood pressure normally does not feel it. Left undetected and untreated for years, it can gradually damage blood vessels and increase the risk of a heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.
Huawei’s Watch D has an inflatable strap hidden in the wristband, similar to classic wrist blood pressure monitors by manufacturers such as Omron, Boso and Beurer. According to Huawei, the margin of error for the device’s blood pressure readings is ±3 mmHg, or millimetres of mercury. A test showed the readings to be very close to those by the Boso Medicus X upper arm blood pressure monitor, which the German consumer watchdog Stiftung Warentest has rated “good”.
Unlike the Galaxy Watch 5 that has a disabled temperature sensor, the Huawei Watch D has their activated. So yes, certainly the Watch D seems to beat both Samsung and Apple as an all-rounder on heart metrics, and also appears that its result are fairly accurate (review tests will test). Both Samsung and Apple are going to have to up their game a bit now (and sell more devices).
How new Huawei Watch D beats Apple, Samsung smartwatches on heart health#
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Huawei #
heart #
Unlike the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch, the Watch D by Huawei uses a built-in inflatable strap to measure blood pressure and a health app that can be used across different mobile devices.