I tested accessing the site as it loads just as any other normal site is expected to load. It makes one realise again that for many hosting projects, you often don't need external paid hosting.
You can use a Pi as long as you also have a domain name you can point to your home, and something to handle the incoming web requests securely (see my YouTube video about how I handle hosting from home at
Hosting with a cloud provider is pretty cheap if you are just doing something small, but once your storage needs really grow (photo or video site for example), or you need to run a bunch of services, it can get quite costly. One, or more, Pi's may well do the trick from home!
How I run my blog on a Raspberry Pi#
technology #
raspberrypi #
selfhosting #
blog #
Like a lot of folks who enjoy tinkering with technology, I now have a small but growing collection of Raspberry Pi boxes around my house. I've used them for various projects: A PiHole network ad blocker, an OctoPi 3D print server, and a Minecraft server, among others. However, the most custom project I've done is setting up a Raspberry Pi to act as a web server to host my own blog site, mandclu.com. I got the idea while researching for an interview I did a couple of years ago.