Browser maker Brave has developed a new way to ground "bounce tracking," a sneaky technique for bypassing privacy defenses in order to track people across different websites.
Bounce tracking, also known as redirect tracking, dates back at least to 2014 when ad companies were looking for ways to avoid third-party cookie blocking defenses. "Bounce tracking is a way for trackers to track you even if browser-level privacy protections are in place," explained Peter Synder, senior director of privacy at Brave, on Tuesday.
To curtail privacy intrusions of this sort, Brave software engineer Aleksey Khoroshilov and senior software engineer Ivan Efremov devised a defense called Unlinkable Bouncing. Unlinkable Bouncing is available in Brave Nightly, the company's experimental build, and is expected in the upcoming version 1.37 release.
Brave browser to tackle 'bounce tracking'#
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privacy #
bravebrowser #
Just say no to websites bypassing privacy protections with sneaky redirects