Clairette (the dog) has had a particularly difficult time adapting to her friends leaving every day, but thankfully her human (Nathaniel Felleke) was able to come up with a clever solution. He trained a TinyML neural net to detect when she barked and used and Arduino to play a sound byte to sooth her. The sound bytes in question are recordings of Nathaniel’s mom either praising or scolding the dog, and as you can see from the video below, they seem to work quite well.
While machine learning may sound like a bit of an extreme solution to curb your dog’s barking, it’s certainly innovative, and even appears to have been successful.
Machine Learning Shushes Stressed Dogs#
technology #
barkingdog #
machinelearning #
If there’s one demographic that has benefited from people being stuck at home during Covid lockdowns, it would be dogs. Having their humans around 24/7 meant more belly rubs, more table scrap…