The Bcachefs file-system that was born out of the Linux kernel's block cache code has over the past few years matured greatly. Now in 2022 the core fundamentals of the file-system are "pretty close to done" and will hopefully be mainlined this calendar year into the Linux kernel.
Bcachefs has been in development since the mid-2010s and aims for speed while having ZFS/Btrfs-like features. It's been under heavy feature development and with time picking up features such as Btrfs-like snapshots or referred to as bad@$$ snapshots, among other promising feature work to allow it to compete as a next-gen file-system.
Bcachefs Might Be Ready For Upstreaming In Linux This Year#
technology #
linux #
filesystem #
The Bcachefs file-system that was born out of the Linux kernel's block cache code has over the past few years matured greatly