MySQL and MariaDB are the most widely used relational database management systems (RDMS) when it comes to website hosting and CMS systems such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and Typo 3. In this article, I will explain how to speed up and optimize your MySQL and MariaDB database server.
Probably not much need to worry about this is you just have a single WordPress instance, but if you're running a few different services all using a MySQL database and quite a few users, it may be well worth looking into to tweak performance a bit. Just always make sure you've done backups before making changes.
13 Tips for Tuning and Optimizing Mysql and Mariadb Databases – VITUX#
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MySQL and MariaDB are the most widely used relational database management systems (RDMS) when it comes to website hosting and CMS systems such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and Typo 3. In this article, I will explain how to speed up and optimize your MySQL and MariaDB database server. When it comes to the point of optimization and assurance, it is...