Former Brave chief policy officer Johnny Ryan is continuing his crusade against the online advertising industry by filing a lawsuit against Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and US telco AT&T in Germany.
RTB is the process that matches adverts with viewers advertisers want to reach. As a technological innovation for Big Tech companies to make money from advertisers, it has far surpassed anything anyone else has devised for microtargeting ads at consumers.
A machine-translated version of the ICCL's complaint to the Hamburg Landsgericht, a court of first instance, can be read on its website as a PDF. It calls for a €250,000 fine – or a prison sentence of two years.
This lawsuit will certainly open up more information about how all this matching goes on, and how various Big Tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, AT&T and Google make use of it. Yes potentially it could affect job prospects, careers, pricing, etc but as of yet we have not seen evidence about that.
Ex-Brave staffer launches GDPR sueball in Germany over tech giants' real-time bidding for ad inventory#
technology #
privacy #
advertising #
bigtech #
Privacy browser's former chief policy officer calls web advertising ecosystem 'the Biggest. Data. Breach. Ever'