“Gear Patrol is a natural home for the next phase of DPReview’s journey, and I’m excited to see what we can accomplish together,” said Everett. “Thank you for your continued support of our team and legacy. We appreciate it and can’t thank you all enough.”
Everett says in his announcement that current core employees across the company’s editorial, tech, and business divisions will continue to work on the site. He also says that DPReview site features and editorial coverage won’t be impacted by the acquisition and that the website will continue to operate as it did before the purchase.
“DPReview is the internet’s original center of gravity for photography,” says Eric Yang, CEO and founder of Gear Patrol.
And that is why there was such concern amongst photographers about the site being shut down by Amazon. After 25 years of operation, it contains a vast wealth of review data and content about most new cameras launched during this period, and it was feared this was going to all be lost.
DPReview lives — and is under new ownership#
technology #
photography #
cameras #
DPReview /cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24740539/GP_x_DP_4_3.jpeg)
Gear Patrol has saved the beloved website from being shut down.